A few days ago my brother went to watch Ra.One and he was not very pleased to see Seventymm.com as the merchandise partner for the film (It is a different story that neither my nephew nor my niece were very pleased with the movie either). The reason was that something that I had sent for the kids as a Durga Puja gift via Seventymm.com wasn’t yet delivered. Durga Puja is long gone, so is Diwali. What is Seventymm waiting for? For Santa Claus himself to come down the chimney on Christmas to deliver the gifts?

I had made a mention of my Seventymm woes in an earlier post in which I exposed their callous attitude towards customer information security.

I has been 38 days since I placed my order and when it didn’t get delivered within the stipulated time, I tried to call the Seventymm customer service. It took me six calls (and over an hour) to be able to reach someone who had an answer to my query. The person promised to call back but never did.

Order details of the order that Seventymm never delivered

Waited for a few more days and then contacted the customer support as well as Seventymm CEO Mudit Khosla via email. A few hours later someone from Seventymm called me to say that they will deliver the items on the same day itself. I didn’t believe a word. And my belief came true when three days later a mail from Seventymm helpdesk informed me that they “will arrange for the dispatch next 2-3 working days.” It has been two weeks since the email and the package still hasn’t surfaced on the horizon.

Today, just before I started writing this post sent an angry mail to Seventymm. I have given up on the company and their shoddy customer service. Waiting for a response from them and am also thinking of dragging Seventymm to consumer court. Have done that in the past, including once with Blazeflash Courier with satisfactory results. We all should learn from our experiences. I have stopped sending my stuff via Blazeflash and will never ever do any shopping with Seventymm.

I not only need a full refund from the company (I paid in advance as it was meant to be a gift) but also damages for the trouble they caused to me and the kids who were eagerly waiting for something their Chachu sent.

Their excuse was that the items were out of stock. But their website showed it to be in stock when I ordered and in case they were unable to deliver for whatsoever reasons, should they not have atleast got in touch with the customer to inform him? Also even after an initial goof-up they continued with their false promises.

I don’t post about my experiences with customer-unfriendly companies just to get back at them, but also to let others know which services to avoid. If my experience is an indicator Seventymm is yet another #fail service.

Some may argue that once I shouldn’t base my judgement on a single incident. But the way a company handles a single nondescript customer tells a lot about its dedication in providing quality service. And this doesn’t say much for Seventymm and therefore the title of the post. If it offends the company, they asked for it. As a consumer it is well within my rights to do so.

At a time when the excellent shopping experience provided by companies such as Flipkart are slowly bringing the sceptics (such as me) to the habit of online shopping, companies such as Seventymm are doing a great disservice to the sector by their sub-standard service.

I understand that not all online shopping services are as inept and therefore this experience will not stop me from making future purchases online. But I will be very choosy about which websites to order from.

Imagine if it had been a first-timer who had to go through this experience. This would have scared him/her away from online shopping for ever, or atleast for a very long period of time.

Therefore it is not only in the interest of the consumers but also the fledgling Indian online retail sector that companies like Seventymm are taken to task.

And I must repeat again (just to rub it in), Seventymm.com, you suck!


Dear Seventymm, you suck!

  1. Nice post…I too had a similar experience…Except that what I ordered was not a gift and I had opted fr COD…hence, I cancelled it completely when they called me after 3 months to inform that my product was ready for shipping!

    Anyways, Seventymm sucks!!

  2. I completely Agree! They’re just UNPROFESSIONAL and IMMATURE to run an e-com website. I have ordered something in 3rd Nov 2011 and out of 5 items, 2 items shipped and rest 3 are still pending. Also on another recent order (which they’ve forcefully made me order towards the cancellation of the Rental Service) Out of 6 items only 1 is delivered and rest God knows when it will get manufactured to get it delivered. 90% of the products displayed in the site is not available with them and I believe once an order get placed, they run after various vendors to check the availability. They totally sucks in all aspects. Now they’ve decided to concentrate only on E-Com site and cancel rental service. Don’t know how they’re going to sustain with such pathetic service.

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