The Ponytail is back to business and bloggers continue with their mindless musings. The Bloggers vs. IIPM scuffle gave IIPM the publicity which it did not welcome and bloggers some recognition which they hadn’t really expected.

The mainstream media though a bit reluctantly took the concept of blogging to the average Joe. Bloggers need the mainstream media – it is their favorite punching bag and mainstream media needs blogs – it is THE source for news as it happens.

During my recent vacation, I attempted to enlighten my blogging skills a bit and therefore browsed through the Handbook for Bloggers and Cyber-Dissidents on the seemingly unending journeys on the evidently neglected trains of the Northeast Frontier Railway. The B word on the cover incited many a curious passenger. They had read about/seen/heard the recent developments but couldn’t exactly comprehend what this blog thing was all about? I on my part disseminated some gyan to the best of my ability. Some even promised to initiate their own.

I think Mr. Chaudhuri deserves another round of expression of gratitude. Thank you, yet again – Mr. Chaudhuri.

Even the Press Information Bureau is contemplating giving bloggers accreditation.

Categories: Uncategorized


'Pony Tales' Running Successfully All Over

  1. I am planning to start a blog, as the criteria for getting a PIB accreditation (not put in any record till now, just on the air) says the blog has to be dedicate to “hardcore news”…but my gut feeling is that this criterion does not make any sense. No doubt blogs can be based on news and many of them are. But by virtue of its existence, it can not match with a regular news portal.

  2. yeah, they might as well do power is sumthin to contend with. The junta, including corporates and others use blogs for a variety of marketing and also as a measure of public opinion. Its hot business…and widely used..accreditation seems like the right thing todo..Welcome home…back to work..bk to blogging!AquaM

  3. <>on-the_walk (Aklanta),<> I agree. It is quite difficult for bloggers with their limited resources to maintain a ‘hard-core’ new blog with a consistent outflow of first-hand stories. For most bloggers, blogging is one of the things that they do. Earning a livelihood takes away most of our waking hours.<>Aquamarine,<> blogs are ‘in’ in India, but we still have a long way to go.<>Accidental Fame Junkie,<> thanks.<>Dwaipayan,<> patience bears the sweet fruit.

  4. hey saumya, i believe that blogging gives a platform to vent out the good/bad feelings and thoughts that might otherwise be hidden in ur mind, i view it as a playground for mind without any inhibitions, it hurts to see it getting mechanical, restricted, censored and “principled” by the mass leaders

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