Tonight I’ve retired the first title image and there’s a new one adorning the background space behind the title and description text. A practice I intend to follow on a regular (with irregular periodicity) basis – just to add some variety.

TreeThe archived image is of a jackfruit tree. Photographed on November 2005 at a village in south Assam, India. The description of the present title pic will appear once it is retired.

Categories: Uncategorized


Archived Title Image No. 1

  1. Oh wow, you are totally getting me motivated to do something about my own blog.Your commitment to your blog is inspirational.

  2. <>EduUn<> ‘Inspirational commitment,’ well I’m getting inspired by comments like this. <>Adi<> They say a pictures tell a thousand words, and posting pictures is definitely much easier than typing out a thousand words. Anyway, the latest post has some words in it (in addition to a picture).

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