Many have been cursing Blogger Beta and many more are enjoying the experience. I fall in the latter category. Switching over to Beta had made the blogging experience more worthwhile, thanks to Ramani and his pals, who have consistently come up with improvements for Blogger Beta. I incorporated many to my template, though I did remove a few features on second thoughts.

Last night I was googling for a small hack, to replace the ‘Email this post’ icon – – with more communicative text. I knew about the hack for Classic Blogger templates, but couldn’t find any for the Beta version. So thought of giving it a try myself. I do tweak my template HTML around, but nothing that is worth mentioning. Though this one would seem childish to the coders, I thought of sharing my find with other interested Beta bloggers. Here’s the hack (don’t know if it qualifies as one).

Changing the Email This Post icon on Blogger Beta

1. Go to ‘Layout’ on the Dashboard
2. Click on the ‘Edit HTML’ link
3. Look for this piece of code:

4. Replace the fifth line (in red) with this:

 Email this post

5. Retain   preceding the inserted text for proper spacing. You can customise the text following that.

Save the template and you are done.

Remember to keep a backup of your older template, just in case things don’t work out right.

Categories: Uncategorized


A Little Hack

  1. the little things that please some people 🙂 .. Well when I didn’t want to move to Beta it was available and now when I want to move i can’t 🙁

    I only want to do tagging, thanks for the code link you gave but that wasn’t suitable. So my hunt is still on

  2. Hey ..

    thanks for pointing out hackosphere… i was searching for a nice template for some time now…. think i will end up giving a new look to my bakar blog soon..

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