The Ministry of Tourism has roped in Aamir Khan as the brand ambassador for the Incredible India campaign.

Aamir in his role has appeared in two TVCs that are supposed to be aired from today.

In one of the ads Aamir takes a some touts, harassing a couple of female foreign tourists, to task and in the other he teaches a lesson to a lovelorn couple out to etch their love on a monument’s wall.

The commercials have been directed by Rakyesh Om Prakash Mehra (who is also an ad filmmaker) and the script is by Prasoon Joshi (an adman too).

The TVCs:


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Video: Aamir Khan in Incredible India Ads

  1. I really like the ads. There have been times when I have seen people be responsible and stop hagglers. I have done it myself. The ad to conserve historic buildings is not a new one, but a needed one nonetheless.I am glad we are taking this to a new level and making an attempt in making each citizen responsible.

  2. Nice ad, slightly sedate in my opinion though. There was this other ad that showed a typical indian family holiday at the gateway of india in a montage of photographs(if i remember correctly) indispersed with second long videos of the family buying stuff and chucking wrappers everywhere. Had me laughing and weeping at the same time.Would be interesting if you could find it and put it up for the sake of comparison.

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