‘Deep Throat’ is former FBI man Mark Felt.

The Watergate investigations by the Washington Post journalists Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein once inspired me – a wannabe journalist still slogging to clear his papers at the university. But isn’t that what wannabe journalists are, full of aspirations and ideals? The urge to something new, take on the high and mighty, cleanse the society, still itched. But once out from the idealistic environs of the universities, we face the reality. Slowly, but surely the rigours of professional life acted as Itch Guard.

‘Deep Throat’ (the name inspired from a 1972 porn movie) was an enigma for my infant journalistic psyche. The ultimate whistleblower. Someone who knows what’s going on inside the cabins lining the corridors of power. Someone who dared but trenchantly remained anonymous. Who it could be? But now with the mystery unveiled my inquisitive mind is at rest.

Whistleblowing is a dangerous endeavour. In India, whistleblowing inevitably leads to witch hunting. Remember Tehelka?

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One comment

'Deep Throat' Speaks Up

  1. This is such a positive inspiration that you have! However, going up against a majority of sheep – ooops I mean people – who would rather jump off a cliff together is not an easy task to do, but neither is not being to look yourself in the mirror…-etw

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