Shivam cajoled – rather threatened – me into doing this. “Please announce it on your blog ASAP nahi toh maar khayega!” were the exact words in one of the long string of emails (the subject line read: Resistance is Futile), which finally ended with the bhai giving me an innocent insignificant blogger a CALL. Note the use of a polite request in the beginning and an unveiled threat to end with. Very much in the ishtyle of the bhai from Dubai. Needless to say, I couldn’t help but toe the line already drawn out for me. The little consideration that he showed me was to make me the co-host instead of a full-fledged host (small mercies of big men). So here’s the announcement:

Update: There has been a change in plans. The bhai called again and was opinion that chai at Cha Bar wouldn’t do and Saturday isn’t an auspicious day and said (Bhais don’t ask, they say) that I should make amends to the date and location of the bloggers’ meet. Dare I disagree. He has also confirmed the presence of some more bhais and behans (I know behan wouldn’t do. What then do you call the donnas?) The updated details follow

Delhi Bloggers’ Meet

The Place: Cha Bar, Oxford Book Store
Statesman House, 148 Barakhabma Road, New Delhi 110001

DV8, 13 Regal Building, Connaught Place, New Delhi 110001

The Date: Saturday July 29, 2006 Sunday July 30, 2006

The Time: 6:30 PM

Please be there, if you want me to have my bones intact and it would be a great favour if you could pass on the information via your blogs. Because that’ll make Mogambo khush. When Mogambo’s khush, he’ll perhaps not try to make me dukhi. See you there and please confirm attendance in the comments section (so that I’ll know beforehand what’s in store for me).

Categories: Uncategorized


Delhi Bloggers' Meet

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