Indian eMagazinesNo one that I know got a raise this year and costs keep increasing. My landlord raised the rent, though I managed to bargain a bit with a little recession sob-story.

With stagnant cash inflow, we need to make some cuts in expenses and for me it has to start with the magazines. I purchase an unnecessary number of them and since I don’t want to sell them to the raddiwallah, they eat up a lot of prime space in my already congested abode.

Therefore, I decided to go the Arnold Schwarzenegger way and put together a list of Indian print magazines that are available in a digital format (an e-replica of the print edition) and I was surprised to find so many. Also happened to discover a few that I never knew existed.

Most of these e-versions are either in PDF or flash, though there are a few in HTML too.

Here’s a simple way to slash those magazine bills in these hard times (the publishers might be a bit upset, but they earn more from advertising than sales):

List of Indian print magazines available in a digital format online:

    1. 080


  • Abhisarika
    (Sex education magazine in Telugu. Old issues 1949 onwards)













  • Chandamama
    (Archives 1955 onwards in English, Hindi, Kannada, Maalayalam, Tamil, Telugu and Oriya)























































  • Outlook Business
    Link URL corresponds to the April 18, 2009 issue. To view other issues use the Past Issues drop-down on the left of the page.

















  • Royal
    (An adult men’s magazine. Some content NSFW)











  • Tehelka
    (Requires registration)
    Alternative link (No Registration necessary)

















  • Yog Sandesh
    (English, Hindi, Kannada, Marathi, Bengali, Oriya, Gujarati, Assamese and Nepali)



If you know of more such magazines, do share them in the comments.

Related posts:

· The Best Men’s Magazines in India
· List of Indian Celebrity Blogs


List of Indian eMagazines

  1. Quite an exhaustive list there!
    So Chandamama in its e-avatar continues to prompte the worthy cause of Parle Poppins 🙂
    Diamond have even put Manohar Kahaniya online! Means now people can suffer those garish covers online too. Abhisarika is quite a revelation! Images always help.

    Can The Little Magazine make the cut?
    Then there is Biblio India also…but one has to pay $5-12 an issue and a free registration only gives you access to some of the articles. Then there is First City that has been in the ‘coming soon’ mode for quite sometime now.

  2. @Vinayak: I considered the Little Magazine but then I’m limiting the list of magazines that are available online as a replica (in layout) of the print editions.

    Thanks for pointing out Biblio India, but I think I’ll stick only to the ones available for free.

    @Debashish: Thanks for the list. I’ll check and include ones those fit the requirements of this list.

  3. @Jyoti – Hey, that’s a nice link! However, I think they could have added a lot more Indian newspapers links there. Sending feedback to the site:)

  4. @Jyoti: There’s an issue with some of the emagazines that you can only start viewing the first page only after all the pages have been loaded. This makes it difficult for slower connections. And thanks for the link.

    @Suhel: Agree. In fact compiling an exhaustive list on Indian epapers is next on my agenda.

  5. @Soumyadip: I waited forever for an issue of champak to load but didn’t see more the first 4. On the other hand, Stardust’s font is painful to read. Still, it’s good to see them up.

    Occurs to me now that I forgot to share this bird-watching magazine link

    @Suhel: Newseum is good for foreign newspapers. Our own are grossly under-represented.

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