For my fellow Shillongites am putting together this little live blog, featuring posts on how people back home are celebrating.

You do miss home, more so during festivals. And for a Bengali like me what festival is bigger than Durga Puja (Pujo for some, but for us Sylhetis it is puja)? And there are so many like me, away from home but want to get a feel of what’s happening there.

For my fellow Shillongites am putting together this little live blog, featuring posts on how people back home are celebrating.

Pujas in Shillong might not be as grand as the ones in Kolkata or elsewhere, but then grandioseness isn’t the sole purpose. Shillong also has a long history of public Durga Puja celebrations – the first sarbojanin Durga Puja in Shillong goes back 121 years.

Note that I am not in Shillong therefore am soliciting help from fellow Shillongites for photos and other updates. If you have a Shillong Durga Puja update to share, please post in the comments (or you can also email them to me at or share via Facebook Messenger and I will add it to this live blog.

Update: This live blog is now closed. Hope to replicate this in the coming years, with greater success, blogging it live from Shillong. A special word of thanks for Premankur Dam for his regular photo stream while pandal hopping in Shillong and also to Dipanjan Dey who has been sending my way Shillong Durga Puja images from Italy.

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Durga Puja in Shillong: Live blog

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