Very nice. Took me back to some old sportstar mags that I used to read as a kid. >>What does a dreamflower look like? Is there even such a flower? 🙂>>The lengths one goes to appear lighter skinned in India :).
Hey… same anon. reader again…>>Those pics are cool! 😀>>BTW, how do you get the ‘Recent Comments’ thing on the side, if you don’t mind my asking, please?
<>Bharath<> I too wonder. Pond’s Dreamflower has been a favourite with Indians (female and male) since its launch in 1956. >>The love for the lighter skin is the great Indian passion. Some of my male friends used Fair & Lovely, now they even got a masculine fairness cream Fair & Handsome.>><> Dwaipayan<> Yeah, me too.>><> BVN<> I will. Thanks for the visit.
<>BVN<> I look for them at all places. Especially the second hand bookstores.>><>O Anonymous Reader<> You can find all the gyan < HREF="" REL="nofollow">here<>>><>Featherbone (aka Baruk)<> I think I have one (not very sure) Will look for it.
Hey…>>Thank you for that link, but it says:>><>So, I sat down and wrote my own little JavaScript Blogger template hack to extend the Blogger comment functionality. Now there is a commenting form right on the comments page.<>>>I do not want a commenting form right on the comments page, but a section on the side where it says ‘Recent Comments’, and displays the recent comments made, like you had on here…?>>“The love for the lighter skin is the great Indian passion. ” – so true. It was once a passion in Britain too, in the Elizabethan times, if I remember any of my history from high school! The paintings of the high class people were all painted as having very bright skin… I don’t know why, personally I think a tan is as beautiful as you can get. But whatever, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder… 😉>>Thank you.
<>o anonymous reader<> Sorry for the incorrect link. I hope < HREF="" REL="nofollow">this<> is the right one.
Very nice. Took me back to some old sportstar mags that I used to read as a kid. >>What does a dreamflower look like? Is there even such a flower? 🙂>>The lengths one goes to appear lighter skinned in India :).
don’t expect me to comment on all the post of this series.., i’m tired of praising you
hi…first time here…love this space..keep posting !
and where do you get these pics…they bring in a lot of old memories…ya..b\w ones 🙂
Hey… same anon. reader again…>>Those pics are cool! 😀>>BTW, how do you get the ‘Recent Comments’ thing on the side, if you don’t mind my asking, please?
is there ANY chance you might have the old yezdi ads?>>~baruk
<>Bharath<> I too wonder. Pond’s Dreamflower has been a favourite with Indians (female and male) since its launch in 1956. >>The love for the lighter skin is the great Indian passion. Some of my male friends used Fair & Lovely, now they even got a masculine fairness cream Fair & Handsome.>><> Dwaipayan<> Yeah, me too.>><> BVN<> I will. Thanks for the visit.
<>BVN<> I look for them at all places. Especially the second hand bookstores.>><>O Anonymous Reader<> You can find all the gyan < HREF="" REL="nofollow">here<>>><>Featherbone (aka Baruk)<> I think I have one (not very sure) Will look for it.
Hey…>>Thank you for that link, but it says:>><>So, I sat down and wrote my own little JavaScript Blogger template hack to extend the Blogger comment functionality. Now there is a commenting form right on the comments page.<>>>I do not want a commenting form right on the comments page, but a section on the side where it says ‘Recent Comments’, and displays the recent comments made, like you had on here…?>>“The love for the lighter skin is the great Indian passion. ” – so true. It was once a passion in Britain too, in the Elizabethan times, if I remember any of my history from high school! The paintings of the high class people were all painted as having very bright skin… I don’t know why, personally I think a tan is as beautiful as you can get. But whatever, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder… 😉>>Thank you.
<>o anonymous reader<> Sorry for the incorrect link. I hope < HREF="" REL="nofollow">this<> is the right one.
Yes, that is the one… thank you very much! Much appreciated…>>– o anonymous reader