Anthony brought this to my notice this morning.
An anti-outsourcing lobby has taken the battle to Google search and we shouldn’t let some manipulative interests on a hate mission to mislead and spread their xenophobic propaganda.
Here’s Anthony’s post on the issue:
Hi All!!
Search for ‘H1B official website‘ on Google. Some Anti-Outsourcing group has, using SEO and google bombing techniques, made a anti-outsourcing website, the Number one result in the Google Result Page. The said website, [send them] (and please don’t link to it), starts with …
“Are you sick and tired of seeing your country turned into a Third World sewer by immigration? Are you tired of seeing your standard of living drop and our jobs exported to China? Are you tired of armies of H1B workers being imported from India to take what few jobs we have left? Are you tired of having to skip 1 for Spanish and 2 for Chinese? Are you tired of pressing 3 for English and getting a receptionist who barely speaks it?”.
This is a kind of hate website, but google will not ban it from its serp, since it is apparetly not spamming. Since google display the results based on an algorithm, it is easy for us, IT workers to beat this website in their own game.
What we can at least do is try to beat this website from at least the number one spot on the Google Search Engine Result Page, with a little SEO. Search Engine Optimisation, for those came in late.
One very basic technique is to link the genuine H1B websites with the anchor text as ‘H1B official website‘ .
Below is a list of the other seach results on google search results page. If you are a blogger, please provide hyperlink to the links below with the anchor text ‘H1B official website‘ a blog post on H1B and link to the above websites, with the anchor text, ‘H1B official website’. I suggest that you link to these sites on your home page, on the sidebar or the footer also.
It will take only a few minutes..Please spread the word.
Many of the Indian Blogger are from the IT industry, and I hope it will be pretty easy to unrank this website.
Are you game for it?
Start Spreading the word.
done this on my blog too…