Singh is KinngIt was almost like a World Cup Cricket final and it seems that the better team won. And what a drama. A crore in cash displayed in the well of the house. Allegations of horse trading. Some brilliant speeches and many of the usual boring ones. Some hilarious too.

Amidst all the pandemonium in the Lok Sabha the Speaker, Somnath Chatterjee (rising above petty party politics) managed to get the voting done on the motion of trust proposed by the Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh, who was actually not allowed to complete his speech by unruly opposition.

But he began well:

Shri LK Advani has chosen to use all manner of abusive objectives to describe my performance. He has described me as the weakest Prime Minister, a nikamma PM, and of having devalued the office of PM. To fulfill his ambitions, he has made at least three attempts to topple our government. But on each occasion his astrologers have misled him. This pattern, I am sure, will be repeated today. At his ripe old age, I do not expect Shri Advani to change his thinking. But for his sake and India’s sake, I urge him at least to change his astrologers so that he gets more accurate predictions of things to come.

I think NDTV Imagine should ask McCann Ericsson to come up with yet another TVC for their Ramayan Ek Acchi Aadat campaign where kids are shown aping our Members of Parliament.

The final figures:

For: 275
Against: 256
Abstained: 10

And I believe its for the better. For now. As for the Left, there’s not much left.

For the Akshay Kumar starrer Singh is Kinng, tons of free publicity.

Categories: Uncategorized


Manmohan is Still the Prime Minister

  1. making the same points, are we? on Akshay Kumar getting publicity for free? 🙂 how are you buddy?

  2. <>TCP<>, as they as say, great minds think alike.Doing fine. No new comics at the TCP for quite a while now?

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