LK Advani BloggerWith the general elections drawing closer and politicians slowly becoming aware of the increasing power of the internet to sway public opinion (though still limited in India, but not inconsequential) BJP’s prime ministerial candidate Lal Krishna Advani is attempting to reach out to the electorate via his newly set up blog on his website.

In the very first (and till posting this the only) post the Advani describes the internet as

…the most democratic of all the communication platforms invented by mankind so far. Censorship of political communication on the internet is both impossible and unthinkable – except in communist and other dictatorships.

And the reason why he started this blog

My young colleagues who have created this website told me that a political portal without a blog is like a letter without a signature. I quickly accepted this compelling logic.

I am excited by the idea of using the Internet as a platform for political communication and, especially, for election campaign.

We should soon expect to see more politicians joining the blog brigade.

Related posts:

· List of Indian Celebrity Blogs

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LK Advani Turns Blogger

  1. Mr. Advani is folowing Obamas Foot steps. He should do some thing more innovative.< HREF="" REL="nofollow">Advani as a Blogger<>

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