YouTube Keyboard ShortcutsI had twitted about this a few days back, but since the readers of this blog far outnumber my followers on Twitter, thought it was worth the while to post about it here.

The YouTube video player has some features that would save us the bother of moving the fingers to the mouse and then move the cursor to click the buttons/icons.

A click of a key on the keyboard while watching a YouTube video can perform some simple (and oft needed) functions.

A little list of useful YouTube keyboard shortcuts/commands:

Function Key
Play/Pause Spacebar
Move back (rewind) 10% Left arrow
Move forward 10% Right arrow
Increase volume Up arrow
Decrease volume Down arrow


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Keyboard Shortcuts for YouTube Videos

  1. you have a text only number… hmm ur getting pretty famous. nice of you to share the you tube short cuts

  2. <>@San<>: A comment from you after a long time. The text only number is courtesy my portable internet connection.

  3. I wish I could advance/rewind only a few seconds with the keyboard. Should be control-arrows or something if possible, but I can’t find it.

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