Yet another addition to the ever-growing Wills Filter/Wills Navy Cut advertisements on Cutting the Chai. This sample is 1969 vintage. Each Wills Filter/Wills Navy Cut ad has a couple enjoying a different activity together (no, none of them has them having sex, even though it is quite possibly the most enjoyable activity that a couple can have together). Here the Wills couple is feeding pigeons.

Wills Filter advertisement 1969

Made for each other – the filter and tobacco in Wills Filter

The tobaccos are of the best. And the filter, one that is meticulously matched to the tobacco releasing their taste in generous measure. Marvellously smooth, satisfying, That’s Wills Filter. Just your cigarette.

India’s largest-selling filter cigarette

Rs 1.60 for 20
80 paise for 10

(Source: eBay)

Other Filter Wills/Wills Navy Cut advertisements from Cutting the Chai archives:


Wills Filter cigarettes ad from 1969

  1. Any smoking thing requires the most strongest filter to prevent the nicotine to go from nose to the heart , i really liked the post. But I suggest suggest everyone to use pipes, they do have strong filters.

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