The unofficial Google doodle on Mahatma Gandhi's birthday incorporates two symbols characteristic of the great man - khadi and the classic round spectacles.

Google had doodled Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi’s birthday back in 2009 with an “indigo drawing of Gandhi on khadi cloth“. Google doesn’t usually doodle birthdays more than once, except for when it is its own (which by the way isn’t actually its birthday).

This Cutting the Chai’s unofficial Google doodle on Mahatma Gandhi’s 143rd birth anniversary incorporates two symbols characteristic of the great man – khadi and the classic round spectacles.

One comment

Mahatma Gandhi’s 143rd birthday unofficial Google doodle

  1. The khadi looks more like Denim though. Today I read a report in the papers that youth in Europe think Einstein is a reality TV star! I wonder what kids in India would come up with about Gandhi! I think cuttingthechai should devote a poll article to that. I own a and I have had a couple of instances when people have referred to Gandhi as a Reserve Bank of India President and another time when he was referred to as ‘that style icon from the 40’s!’

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