Pakistani Tank from the 1971 Indo-Pak War, on display at the State Central Library, Shillong
December 16, 1971: Lt. Gen. AAK Niazi, supreme commander of Pakistani Army in East Pakistan, surrenders to the Allied Forces (Mitro Bahini) represented by Lt. Gen. Jagjit Singh Aurora of Indian Army. Bangladesh gains independence.

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War Has No Winners

  1. Yes, India won the war only to be baffled by the exodus that followed (now we scream illegal immigration!). But a second thought, the osmosis was natural.

  2. From morning, only one thing i have been thinking..what’s on Dec 16..then it struck me..there was a movie by that name about 2 years ago…now it hit me … why that movie was made 🙂 bad bad .. no sense of history but cant help when the only association one has with the bangladesh war is a movie called BORDER 😉Hey soumyadip..thx for visiting..we could start a therapy section in TCP? And the therapy could be “more comics” huh? Comicaholics anonymous – I like that 🙂Stay tuned..thanks to some fantastic contributors who are as unknown to me as I am to them, there’s more to come.

  3. You must read J.M.Coetzee’s ‘Waiting for the Barbarians’.Posted a reply for u on my blog (India questions Aamir Khan)

  4. I’m not sure who came up with the idea of war to end disputes. But whoever it was, it was a bad idea!

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