RG Blue Communications, a Pakistani advertising agency has created a humourous ad for Butterfly Sanitary Napkins with WikiLeaks as the peg. The ad came in the form of a hoarding/billboard in Karachi.

RG Blue Communications, a Pakistani advertising agency has created an ad for Butterfly Sanitary Napkins with WikiLeaks as the peg. The ad appeared as a hoarding/billboard in Karachi.

WikiLeaks Butterfly Sanitary Napkins Ad
Butterfly doesn't
Extra Absorbent Sanitary Napkins

Pakistanis do have a good sense of homour and we Indians agree (after all VHS tapes of Pakistani stage shows kept us in good humour for so many years and lately the PakiLeaks).

Categories: Advertising


WikiLeaks-inspired Pakistani Butterfly Sanitary Napkin Ad

  1. . . . and I just clicked on their home-page link. Just reinforces the impression—truly different presentation. These guys (and gal) will go far!

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