Where Have All the Young Girls Gone?
Yesterday was Christmas – a festival to mark the arrival of the son of god on earth; today is December 26: the first anniversary of the arrival of the big wave from the deep blue sea – the one which washed away millions of dreams. Yesterday, I saw a movie. A movie which spoke about 35 million pairs of innocent eyes which didn’t ever get the opportunity to dream. 35 million cries of the girl child – muffled. Inside and outside the womb.

Manish Jha portrays a nation without women – a Matrubhoomi (motherland). It seems to be a story well told. But what’s more disturbing than the incidents in the film, is that this is no story. Such ‘motherlands’ exist for real. Not only in remote villages, but more so in the urban jungles where modern technology meant to save lives is collaborating in the selective massacre of the female foetus.

The rawness and the violence in the movie made me think, but what touched my heart (and also moistened my eyes) was the cry of the baby girl – one of the most beautiful of sounds.

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Where Have All the Young Girls Gone?

  1. Matrubhumi was gruesome. It gave me creeps while watching it. Even though it conveys the message, it really was gruesome!

  2. Maybe I’ll avoid watching this movie. But talking about tragedies, I actually took post-tsunami footage for a documentary that a friend of mine was making. Plain horrible.Celebrating life and death all at the same time..bloody weird!

  3. I’m yet to go through 3/4th of the film…the portion I have watched made me realise that I am also one of the contributors to the discrimination…you need courage to face bitter realities and this (of facing the truth) is the force that is keeping the age old stigma alive in our societies…

  4. Female infanticide: A terrible terrible thing to afflict the world. Does it taken an Einstein to make out that the human race needs both men and women to survive?Tsunami: I went on a walk on Dec 27 in one of the little fishing villages that was destroyed on Dec 26th Tsunami. The sight was plain traumatic. The people were all in shock which kind of worked to our advantage because otherwise we would have been molested to walk into a rather rough area.

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