
Categories: Uncategorized



  1. Hey, you’re getting serious with photography, huh? This one’s another great. I like the title, too.

  2. whoa..gooood one…guess where I’m mailing u from -WORK on a SUnday…..I must be really TIRED….:D

  3. i can’t remember where i have seen this..and abhisek thinks it’s ur hobby?????isn’t “obsession” the word??

  4. <>Abaniko<> There is a limit to your seriousness when all that you are armed with is a point and shoot camera. But I try to make the best out of it.<>Aquamarine<> I too was, therefore the post.<>Abhishek<> Dwaipayan answered your query.<>Dwaipayan<> It was enroute from Shillong to Guwahati – at Nongpoh

  5. soumyadip,yes.. that was it.. even i was thinking so( i’ll say so, even if i didnt… so that you don’t get the credit )

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