My Minute-Centimetre of Fame
A few weeks ago I received a call from NDTV requesting me to fill in the empty spaces in one of their talk shows. I had been to one celebrity…Continue Reading →
A few weeks ago I received a call from NDTV requesting me to fill in the empty spaces in one of their talk shows. I had been to one celebrity…Continue Reading →
“All men are the same.” How many times have you, my fellow brethren heard this done-unto-death-but-always-rejuvenated banality? Can’t count or…
Every year the world’s largest movie industry sends its official nominations to the awards celebrating the achievements of it’s more…
History of GoogleGoogle’s 7th Anniversary PostContinue Reading →
We have been wanting for ages for all the differences, inequalities, suffering to disappear from this world. But if that…
Man enters the world with nothing on him, and also leaves in a similar fashion (If you count the Pharaohs…
The greatest challenge before independent India was one of keeping the nation together. ‘Unity in diversity’ became the catchphrase. Public speeches, school books, newspapers and the radio – all conveyed…Continue Reading →
When I was a little younger and the topic of war cropped up in any discussion, my father would always…
Not many of the veteran top-notch Indian journalists have had much of a professional training; all they learnt was on…
Hello! Wake up! It’s that time of the year again. The ad generating annual b-school survey is over (25% of Outlook‘s print space was occupied by ads from b-schools only).…Continue Reading →
Modernisation has been the motto of many a ruler. But Emperor Menelik II (1844-1913) of Abyssinia (now Ethopia) takes the…
Devoid of any worldly possessions, the least a man possesses is his own self. In 1890 a Swedish gentlemen desperately…